How to configure SMS sending via a file


What is the advantage of configuring SMS sending via a file?

Sending SMS via a CSV or XLS file saves you time when setting up your SMS campaign. You can add as many contacts as you like to your CSV file andsend them as a group in just a few seconds.

Notepad or WordPad, installed by default on a computer, like Microsoft Excel or Open-Office, can open and read a .CSV file, making it virtually universal. If you use Prestashop, for example, you can export your customer database in CSV format and upload it to the SMS platform in a matter of seconds.

The second advantage of such a file is its size. It is often much lighter than most other types of file, while remaining just as complete.

How do I send an SMS from a file?

1. Connect to the SMS platform and click on the"Send SMS from a file" tab in the"New SMS" section.

How to configure SMS sending via a file

2. In the"Import numbers" section, click on the"Browse" button and choose your SMS file.

How to configure SMS sending via a file

3. Define the country code, the sender of the SMS and the message. Finally, click on"Send" to send the SMS to your contact list.

How to configure SMS sending via a file

What types of file are compatible?

The files compatible with this type of sending are .XLS or CSV files.

How do I create the SMS sending configuration file?

The file is made up of columns defined as follows:

Telephone,Email address,User name,Company,First name,Last name,Date and time of sending.

As you can see, each column is separated by a comma. If you want to create a file with several recipients, the form will be as follows:

612345678,,pseudo,lws,Charles,Schmidt,04/24/19 01:00 PM 687654321,,support,lws,Solène,Parisot,04/26/19 09:00 AM

The date is shown on the file as follows:

month/day/year hour:minutes AM or PM (AM for morning and PM for afternoon).

If you don't know some of the information such as the email address or the company name, you can leave the column empty, which will give the following:

61234567,,nickname,,Charles,Schmidt,04/24/19 01:00 PM

Introduction to sending SMS from a file


You can now send an SMS using a .CSV file with the LWS SMS Pack. Sending via a CSV file saves time and allows you to send a bulk SMS to several hundred recipients while customising the merge field if required.

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