How do I configure the greylist on a cpanel?


What is the greyList?

This is a very simple anti-spam system which consists of temporarily rejecting an e-mail message, by sending a temporary refusal code to the sending computer server (MTA). In the majority of cases, the sending servers resend the e-mail after a few minutes. Most servers that send spam do not take this step. What's more, if they do, they will have given spam-trapping software time to register them on spammers' blacklists.

How do I configure the greylist on a cpanel?

1. Connect to your customer area

2. Access Cpanel

3. Go to the"E-Mail" section and click on"Configure Greylisting".

How do I configure the greylist on a cpanel?

4. By default this is set to"Enabled", click on "Disabled" to make it inactive.

How do I configure the greylist on a cpanel?


You can now activate and deactivate the "Greylisting" function on your cPanel hosting with LWS. Thanks to this function accessible from your cPanel interface, you will be protected against spam and all types of unwanted email.

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