How do I create a new WHM customer account?


Why create a WHM customer account?

WHM allows you to create a client account by attaching a domain name to it. This allows you to manage it without having to identify yourself on the client account you wish to manage. It also allows your customers to have their own access to manage their web hosting spaces.

How do I create a new WHM customer account?

1. Log in to your WHM account

2. Open the"Account functions" menu (1) then click on"Create an account" (2)

How do I create a new WHM customer account?

3. On the account creation page, you will first see a summary of the quotas used on the server (1): number of accounts created, disk space allocated and bandwidth allocated.

This is followed by an overview of all the resource packages that have been created and how they can be used.

How do I create a new WHM customer account?

In the screenshot above, you can see that :

- package rs1274856_cpu100disk20Go cannot be used for the new account without exceeding the server's global resources.
- package rs1274856_cpu100disk80 is already used by an existing account, but cannot be used a second time for the new account without exceeding the server's global resources.
- package rs1274856_cpu100disk10Go is the only package that can be chosen, as it is the only one that will not exceed the server's global resources if it is allocated to the new account.

4. Fill in the details of the customer's domain name, user name, password and e-mail address (1). Then choose the web hosting package (2) you want to set up for your customer's account.

How do I create a new WHM customer account?

  • Domain: This is the domain name that will be attached to the cPanel customer account you are going to create.
  • Username: This is the username that will be used to connect to the cPanel client. By default, it is made up of the first letters of the domain name. You can, however, change it
  • Password: Like the user name, the password is required to connect to cPanel.
  • E-mail: This is the e-mail address attached to the cPanel account. It will enable the customer to request a new password if they lose it.
  • Package: When the cPanel account is created, you must specify a Web package to link to the domain name.

5. Choose the customer account language

How do I create a new WHM customer account?

6. Choose the e-mail routing parameters.

How do I create a new WHM customer account?

If you wish to use the cPanel email service, select"Local server". If you use an external service for your email, such as Google Workspace or Microsoft Exchange, select"Remote server".

It is not possible to use cPanel's local email service with a remote service. You must therefore choose the service you wish to use and configure all the domain's email addresses there

8. Click on the "Create" button to finalise the creation of the cPanel account attached to your cPanel Cloud package.

The customer account is automatically created and your customer can now set up their website, create email addresses, etc. from their cPanel space.

WHM cPanel Video Tutorial: How do I create a new customer account in WHM?

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You are now able to create a new customer account in your WHM reseller interface. It is possible at any time to change the information of the customer account you have created on WHM.

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Questions sur l'article
Raffi Il y a 899 days
bonjour j'ai besoin de savoir si je dois avoir le nom de domaine présent dans mon compte LWS avant de créer un compte avec ce domaine Que ce passe-t-il si j'ai le domaine héberger chez un autre Hébergeur et que je créer un compte ? Cordialement
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 897 days
Bonjour, vous avez deux possibilités, soit souscrire à un nouveau domaine avec votre compte actuel, soit en ouvrant un nouveau compte client. Lors de l'achat d'un nom de domaine en passant par la page, il vous sera demandé, pendant le processus de commande, si le nouveau domaine doit être attaché à un compte existant (auquel cas, il vous faudra vous identifier avec les informations de connexion à votre compte), soit créer un nouveau compte client pour ce nouveau domaine. Il est toutefois à noter qu'il n'est pas possible de créer un nouveau compte client en utilisant une adresse email déjà existante auprès de nos services.
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