How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?


What are the advanced features associated with web hosting packages?

This interface allows you to modify the lists of functions that you can assign to your customers' cPanel packages. Feature lists allow or deny access to specific cPanel features.

WHM includes feature lists (default, disabled and Mail Only). The"Mail only" feature listenables only email address functions and blocks web hosting functions on the customer's cPanel.

You canenable or disable a number of features, such as

  • Web statistics
  • SpamAssassin
  • Domain Aliases
  • DNS zone management
  • Backup management
  • Cron tasks management
  • FTP user management
  • Access to the PhpMyAdmin interface and database management.

All the functions available on the cPanel Cloud Server can be prohibited or authorised for each package. You can create several lists of features.

How do I edit the features associated with a cPanel based on a package?

1. Log on to your WHM management interface and click on"Feature Manager" in the"Package" section.

How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?

2. Enter the name of your new list and click on the"Add feature list" button.

How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?

3. Choose the functions you wish to authorise or prohibit. Click on"Save" to save your choices.

How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?

How do I link the advanced features list to a package?

1. Click on the"modify a package" tab in the"package" section of your WHM interface.

How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?

2. Select the web package you wish to modify and click on the "Modify" button.

How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?

3. In the"Functionality list" drop-down list in the"Settings" section, select the list you have just created. Click on"Save changes" to save your choice.

How can I edit the functions associated with a cPanel based on a package?


You can now create a list of features and associate it with your web hosting package on your cPanel cloud server with LWS. You can modify your list of features at any time or create a new one to suit your needs.

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