How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?



Softaculous is a software package that makes it easy to install a CMS in just a few clicks. This documentation explains how to remove a CMS installation made with Softaculous. This procedure is simple and requires no special knowledge.

How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?

1. Log in to your LWS customer area.

2. Access your cPanel interface.

3. Click on the"Softaculous Apps Installer" button in the"Software" section of your cPanel interface.

How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?

4. Then click on the"All Installations" icon at the top right of the page.

How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?

5. Here you will find all the installations you have carried out using Softaculous. The installations are sorted by CMS type. Choose the CMS you want to delete and click on the trashcan icon behind it.

How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?

6. You can choose what you want to delete from :

  • Deleting the directory: If you tick this option, the entire folder will be deleted.
  • Delete database: If ticked, the database will be deleted.
  • Delete user database: If ticked, the user created with the database during installation will also be deleted.

Then click on the"Remove installation" button to remove the installation.

How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?

How do I delete several Softaculous installations ?

You can also delete several software installations via the Softaculous interface. To do this, tick the installations you wish to remove, select"Remove completely" in the"Options for your selection" field and click on the"Go" button.

How do I remove an installation made with Softaculous?

Removing an installation is irreversible


You are now able to delete an installation performed using Softaculous.

[tips_related_readings]How do Iinstall software using Softaculous on cPanel ?

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