How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?


Why use the SiteBuilder Pro page layout module?

The home page is the first thing an Internet user will see when they visit your website. It is the image of your company. As a result, the layout of your page, its structure and its design are very important in making your visitors want to visit your other pages. What's more, this page is at the heart of a website's SEO strategy. That's why the layout needs to be carefully thought out.

It is therefore preferable not to clutter up this page, but to go straight to the point in order to keep the visitor's attention. To do this, you can use the"Page layout" module, which allows you to structure your different pages or parts of pages according to your needs.

How do I use the Page Layout module in SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Go to your SiteBuilder Pro interface

2. Click on the"Page Setup" item in the toolbar at the top of the page.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Select the style of element you want. You can choose elements with two or three columns and/or rows, depending on your requirements.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

4. Once the element has been placed in the desired position, you can select each frame of the element by clicking on it.

How do I configure a frame in the "Page layout" element?

Once the frame has been selected, go to the right-hand column to configure the frame in question.

  • Background: Allows you to change the background colour of your frame and/or add an image to it.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Border: you can change the colour of the border and also round off the corners.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Page layout: You can change the horizontal or vertical alignment of your frame.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Size: This lets you change the size of your element (width and height).

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

You can add text, videos, a form or anything else to one of the frames in the"Page setup" element.

To do this, click on the element where you want to add text, for example.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

Click on the tool you wish to insert in this frame, for example the"text" tool.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

Select the desired text style by clicking on it.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?

By clicking on the"+" above or below the selected frame, you can add other elements such as text, images, a call to action button or a form.

How do I use the module set up in SiteBuilder Pro?


You can now see why the layout of a site is just as important as setting up a blog. The structure of your pages is important to make your website more attractive.

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Questions sur l'article
Alex Il y a 679 days
bonjour, je suis en train de créer une page web sur sitebuilder pro et les éléments que j'ajoute sur une page ne cessent d'être dupliqués sur les autres, comment puis-je empêcher cela ?
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 673 days


Merci de votre retour.

Il faut savoir que sur le créateur de site Site Pro, vous avez la possibilité d'éditer le Header (haut de page), le body (le corps de la page) et le Footer (le bas de page). Tout cela se voit sur la partie droite du constructeur dans l'onglet "Structure de la page".

Pour ce qui est du Header et du Footer, par défaut, ils seront copier sur toutes vos pages, il est donc possible que vous éditiez votre site dans le Header, ce qui implique donc que les éléments se répliquent sur toutes les pages.

Pour que le Header et Footer soient uniques à votre page, alors cliquer sur "Header" ou "Footer" dans l'onglet "Structure de page". Puis descendez dans le menu, jusqu'à apercevoir "Visibilité". Et enfin vous pourrez cocher une des trois options : 

  • Afficher dans la page courante seulement
  • Afficher dans toutes les pages
  • Afficher dans une page spécifique

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Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés quelconque. (Contacter le support LWS)

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS 

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