Using NextCloud on mobiles and tablets


What type of mobile phones and tablets can I use NextCloud on? How do I install the application?

NextCloud is available for mobile phones and tablets running Android and iOS operating systems, as well as for mobiles running Windows version 7.

To download the application, simply go to your operating system's"Store" and enter the name of your application, i.e. "NextCloud", in the search system.

You can also download the application directly from the NextCloud website at .

The application will update itself automatically on your tablet or mobile phone.

What types of files can I consult from my application?

The NextCloud application allows you to view and read all types of files, provided they are supported by the operating system available on your device.

For some file extensions, such as PDF files, you may need to download a reader to be able to read this type of file.

By default, the application is able to read the following formats:

  • For images (jpeg and png)
  • Music (mp3 and wma)
  • Videos (.mov and mp4)
  • Word processing files (doc and docx)
  • Data spreadsheets (xls and xlsx)
  • PowerPoint presentations (ppt and pptx)

How do I automate the synchronisation of photos from my smartphone/tablet to my storage space?

After downloading your software, click on the"Menu" tab at the top left of your application and then on the"Upload" tab.

There you'll find all your photo folders. Behind each folder name is a'Settings' icon represented by three small dots. Click on it to set the automatic upload of your photos to your storage space.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Upload via WiFi only.
  • Send only if the charger is plugged in.
  • Use sub-folders based on the year and month of the photos.

How does the backup work on mobiles and tablets?

You can create a backup of your contacts if you wish. To do this, click on the"Menu" tab at the top left of your application and then on"Settings".

Click on"Backup contacts" to activate this feature. You can synchronise your calendar in the same way.

To retrieve your data, simply connect to the NextCloud application, click on the data concerned and then on"Download". You can retrieve your photos, videos and music in the same way.

Can I upload data from my mobile phone or tablet to the NextCloud application?

TheNextCloud application allows you to upload different types of data, including PDF files, images, music and DOC files. The type of documents depends on the operating system of your smartphone and/or tablet.

Can I move a file from the NextCloud mobile application?

Yes, this is entirely possible. The application allows you to move a folder in just a few clicks. To do this, connect to your application on the device concerned, then click on the folder concerned and on the"settings" tab at the top right of your screen. Click on'Move' and choose the new location.

Using the same 'settings' button, you can delete a folder from your storage space.

Can I move a file from the NextCloud Mobile application?

Yes, this is done in the same way as moving a folder. Click on the file you want to move and then on the"Settings" tab at the top right of your screen. Then click on the 'Move' tab and choose the new location for your file.

Can I delete files from the NextCloud mobile application?

Yes, this is entirely possible. To do so, open your NextCloud application and select your file by clicking on it. Then click on the"Settings" tab at the top right of your screen and then on"Delete".

Can I protect access to the application with a password?

Yes, you can set a PIN code to access your application. To do this, after opening the application, click on the'Menu' tab at the top left of your application and then on'Settings'. In the"Preferences" section, activate"Security code". The application will ask you to enter a 4-digit code twice.

You can deactivate this function at any time.

Can NextCloud stream audio and video?

NextCloud allows you to stream videos and music files.

How do I order a NextCloud package?

If you don't yet have an online storage package or would like to upgrade to a cloud storage package with advanced features, please consult this documentation to place your order, and find information about the Nextcloud and Nextcloud Pro packages here.

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Questions sur l'article
JACK333 Il y a 779 days
Bonjour, Comment créer ou écrire dans un fichier .txt à partir du smartphone et le synchroniser via NextCloud C'est facile, mais j'ai perdu l'application que j'avais ajoutée à Nextcloud en changeant de tel PS les 4 mémos sont excellents
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 777 days


Vous pouvez re-télécharger l'application Nextcloud sur le store de votre téléphone et vous connectez à votre compte afin de retrouver les fichiers qui s'y trouve.

Si vous êtes client LWS, vous pouvez également vous rendre sur votre navigateur et aller sur la page de connexion du serveur Nextcloud sur lequel vous vous trouvez. (Ex d'url :

Vous pouvez retrouver les informations de votre serveur dans vos mails, à la date de livraison du service.

Si vous avez besoin d'assistance, nous vous invitons à passer par le support technique VPS en ouvrant un ticket. (




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