Web hosting with a money-back guarantee!


All our services guaranteed satisfied or your money back!

We offer a money-back guarantee for all services purchased on our website!

We can offer you this guarantee because we are certain of the quality of our services. We therefore offer all our customers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all web hosting and VPS server offers.

Not sure? Try our services, satisfied or your money back!

We leave you the choice and the time to test our services so that you can discover our offers and find out if they suit you perfectly.

If you feel that you have chosen a package that does not meet your needs, you can change to a higher or lower package at any time.

How do I get my money back?

If, for whatever reason, our services are not to your liking, you can be reimbursed within 7 days. Simply request a refund via your LWS customer area.

1. Log in to your customer area

2. Click on your LWS ID in the top right-hand corner

3. Click on "Refund

4. Fill in the required fields

The amount will be refunded to you within 7 days.

If you have subscribed to a domain name with your service, the price of the domain name will be deducted to cover the administrative costs involved in registering it. Please note that a domain name is considered by law to be a consumer good. You will be able to transfer your domain to another web host if you wish.

Extract from the General Terms and Conditions of Sale


The Customer, when he/she is a consumer as defined by French law, is expressly advised that he/she has, pursuant to the Hamon Law, a period of fourteen (14) clear days to exercise his/her right of withdrawal from LWS concerning the provision of "Hosting" Services. Within this period, a full refund of the sums incurred may be made by LWS to the Customer. As a commercial gesture, LWS allows the Customer to benefit from an additional period of up to 30 (thirty) days. The Customer will be reimbursed by credit card or paypal within 14 days of receipt of the request. The request must be made by post accompanied by a copy of the account holder's identity document, or by e-mail from the Customer area where the service that is the subject of the request is managed.

Contracts for the supply of goods made to measure or clearly personalised at the customer's request are excluded from the right of withdrawal. Certain conditions apply to contracts for the supply of software, for which the right of withdrawal may only be exercised if the product has not yet been 'unsealed', i.e. the packaging has remained intact, and to contracts for the provision of services that may only be interrupted if performance has not yet begun (e.g. domain name reservations).

Consult our General Terms and Conditions

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Questions sur l'article
lafleche Il y a 919 days
Bonjour,je n'arrive pas a remplir les champs rouge pour le remboursement,des que je remplis correctement les champs,l'acces de validation est refuser, pourquoi?
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 917 days
Bonjour, lors du remplissage des différents champs, il est nécessaire de faire bien attention et écrire la même chose que ce qui est indiqué dans l'explication. Il est également nécessaire de bien respecter la casse (Majuscule et minuscule) .
Utile ?
Dockwiller Il y a 349 days
Bonjour cela veut bien dire que le vps peut être remboursé même si on à configuré le vps ?
See the
1 answers
Jordan-LWS - Il y a 346 days


Effectivement, vous pouvez demander remboursement selon les lois appliqués, à conditions que vous rentriez dans les termes pour effectuer cette demande de remboursement, si l'un des termes n'est pas respecté, il ne sera pas possible d'obtenir remboursement.

Vous pouvez demander votre remboursement, et cela, immédiatement depuis votre espace client en suivant ces démarches :

  1. Connectez-vous à votre espace client 
  2. Cliquez sur votre identifiant LWS en haut à droite
  3. Cliquez sur "Remboursement"
  4. Renseignez les champs demandés

 Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS 

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