How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?


What is combining?

Combining is the action of combining all the CSS or JS files on a site into a single file. This has the effect of reducing the number of HTTP requests made to your site, making it load faster. Unlike minification, combining files is more difficult to implement because it changes the order in which the files are loaded, which can cause errors on your site and make it unusable, but on the other hand the performance gains are generally greater. To overcome this problem, files are generally grouped together in several files rather than just one; the efficiency of the combination is slightly reduced but this reduces the problems it can cause.

To make things clearer, let's take the example of a page on a site with no combination and look at the number of CSS files loaded:

How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?

24 of the requests made out of the 73 sent come from CSS files, i.e. almost a third of the requests. Once the files have been combined, this same page now only loads 12 files, i.e. a 50% reduction in the number of requests sent for CSS files.

How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?

How do you combine the files on your site?

To combine the files on a WordPress site, you will need to use an extension which will do this for you, as it is not possible to manually combine the CSS/JS files on a WordPress site without risking compromising the smooth running of the site. What's more, every time you update your extensions, theme or even WordPress, the files are restored to their original state, and any changes are lost.

There are various WordPress extensions that allow you to combine your files, including LWS Optimize, a site optimisation extension made by LWS that can combine your CSS and JS files.

Combining your files with LWS Optimize

To activate the combination of your site's files, go to the extension's settings and then to the "Front-End" tab:

How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?

Then activate the "Combine your CSS files" and "Combine your JS files" options:

How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?

The file combination is now activated on your site, but as it is linked to the file cache system, you may need to purge this cache so that it takes effect on the pages of your site. To do this, go to the "Caching" tab and click on the "Empty cache" button next to the "Manual purge" action:

How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?

It may be that some of your CSS/JS files don't work when combined or that you simply don't want them to be combined; in this case, you can go back to the 'Front-End' tab and click on the 'Exclude files' button of the action of your choice to open the exclusion modal:

How do I combine the files on my WordPress site?

In the example above, the "woocommerce.css" file, all files with the elementor extension and all style.css files have been excluded from the combination. You will need to clear your site's file cache for the exclusions to take effect.

How LWS Optimize combines your files

When creating the cache for a page on your site, LWS Optimize will search for all the and


You now know how to :

  • Use WordPress extensions to automate the combination of files without compromising the operation of the site,
  • Configure the LWS Optimize extension to combine your CSS and JS files efficiently and manage exceptions,
  • Recognise the positive impact of combining on the number of HTTP requests and, consequently, on the loading speed of your site.

🚀 By optimising your site with these methods, you offer your visitors a faster and more enjoyable user experience, while potentially improving your search engine ranking. 🌐

We hope this article has given you the knowledge you need to boost the performance of your WordPress site. Thanks for reading and feel free to share your experiences or ask any questions you may have by leaving a comment below! 😊👇

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