How do I manage contacts for a domain name?


What are the contacts for a domain name?

Each domain name is represented by 2 contacts:

  • The Administrative contact : Person or organisation responsible for answering legal questions about the domain name. This is usually the owner of the domain.
  • The Technical and Billing contact: Person or organisation responsible for making technical decisions concerning the domain and who manages the billing of the domain and its renewal. This is usually the reseller/webmaster.

Depending on the TLD, not all contacts may be available, as this depends on the registry.

How do I manage the contacts for a domain name?

1. Log in to the administration space for your domain name and click on the"Domain contact" icon.

How do I manage contacts for a domain name?

4) Enter the account number you wish to change for the contact(s) of your choice.

How do I manage contacts for a domain name?

Changing the technical/billing contact is free. To validate the change, an email is sent to the email address of the current technical/billing contact and another to the new contact. Both emails must be validated by clicking on the link in the email to complete the procedure.

Changing the owner contact means transferring the domain to the new owner. This operation requires an intervention billed by the registry, which is why you will be billed €29 excluding VAT. To carry out this operation, please follow the instructions below: Intra LWS transfer


You are now able to manage the administrative, technical and billing contacts for your domain names with LWS.

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Merci de votre retour.

Lors de la manipulation expliquée sur la documentation, le contact Technique sera le nouveau compte LWS que vous renseignez sur le formulaire de changement de gestionnaire du domaine.

Le contact Administratif sera le compte initial, c'est-à-dire votre compte si c'est vous qui effectuez le changement de contact.

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