Request a Sender ID for your SMS service


Why request a Sender ID?

The Sender ID is the name that will appear on the recipient's phone when they receive an SMS sent from your service. This name is important because it will enable your correspondent to identify the sender and to identify you.

Following numerous cases of fraud and identity theft, the creation of a Sender ID verified by our services and those of our operator is compulsory in order to send SMS messages.

How do I request a Sender ID?

To request a Sender ID, you need to follow the steps below:

1. Connect to the SMS platform with the identifiers you received in the delivery email for your service.

2. In the left-hand menu, click on"Sender Management".

Request a Sender ID for your SMS service

3. At the top right of the screen that appears, click on the"+ Request a new sender ID" button.

Request a Sender ID for your SMS service

4. Complete the entire form and click on the "Send" button.

Request a Sender ID for your SMS service

All the information must be completed in full to enable our teams to validate your request.

Once the form has been sent, your Sender ID is created and awaits validation by our services.

Request a Sender ID for your SMS service

Once your request has been validated, the status of your request will change to"Unblocked".

Request a Sender ID for your SMS service


You now know how to :

  • Understand the importance of a Sender ID for reliable identification when sending SMS messages.
  • Follow the process for requesting a verified Sender ID to secure your communications.
  • Navigate the SMS platform and access the Sender Management section.
  • Complete the form required to create and validate your Sender ID.

🌟 With these clear and simple steps, you are now able to optimise your SMS campaigns and guarantee your recipients a seamless and secure receiving experience. 😊📲

We'd like to thank you for reading this article and hope you find the information useful. Feel free to leave a comment or share your feedback with our service. We value your opinion! 💬👍

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Une réponse est généralement apportée sous 24H maximum les jours ouvré si vous avez fait une demande d'ID expéditeur.

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