How can I trace an email address in cPanel?


What is delivery tracking?

Delivery Tracking allows you to follow e-mail delivery routes and helps you identify delivery problems.

By default, this interface lists the last 250 failed email deliveries to and from your mailboxes. The delivery states indicated on your cPanel web hosting are as follows:

  • The system successfully delivered the message
  • The delivery status of your message is unknown (this happens when the message is being delivered)
  • The system has delayed the message
  • The message has encountered an error and could not be delivered to the recipient.

This interface also allows you to see the score set by SpamAssassin.

How can I trace an e-mail address in cPanel?

1. Log in to your cPanel account, scroll down the page and click on the "Track delivery" icon.

How can I trace an email address in cPanel?

You can view the delivery reports for the last 10 days:

How can I trace an email address in cPanel?


You are now able to track emails sent through your cPanel Web Hosting with LWS. Message tracking allows you to identify the slightest problem with the delivery of your e-mails.

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