How do I transfer a domain name from Namebay?


How do I transfer a domain name from Namebay?

To transfer your .fr, .com, .net, .org, .eu, .info or other domain name from Namebay, you need to :

How do I unlock the domain name and retrieve the Auth-Code from Namebay?

  1. Access your Namebay customer area using your login details Move your mouse over the green "Customer Area" button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
  2. Choose "List/modify my domain names" from the list of options (under the My domains column)
  3. Click on the domain name you wish to transfer
  4. If your domain is locked ("protected"), click on the "Unlock your domain" link to the right of "Status" to deactivate the transfer lock.
  5. Copy the code you see after "Authcode"and send it to us from your LWS Panel customer area.

How do I transfer a domain name from Namebay?

For more information, follow the Generic Domain Name Transfer Guide

Transfer your domain name now!

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