How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?


What is the purpose of the "Firewall" icon on cPanel packages?

The "Firewall" icon on cPanel lets you manage the firewall linked to your cPanel web hosting package at LWS: authorize specific remote access, allow a remote host to access specific services or unblock IP addresses blocked by the firewall.

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

Authorising remote access

You can authorise your website or application, hosted on your cPanel account, to access another website, service, API, etc. hosted on another server.

For example, you can authorise your website to access the CDiscount API; or authorise your application to access an email server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis ... hosted on a VPS.

Tip: The following ports are systematically authorised and do not require the addition of a rule:

  • TCP protocol: 20, 21, 22, 37, 43, 53, 80, 82, 110, 113, 443, 587, 873, 993, 995, 2089, 2703.
  • UDP protocol: 20, 21, 53, 113, 123, 873, 6277, 24441, 25826, 33434 to 33523.

Suppose you want to enable a connection between your website and your PostgreSQL server exposed at address on TCP port 5432. To do this, click on the Add an outgoing rule button:

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

Then enter the IP address, protocol and port in the form that follows:

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

Confirm by clicking on "Add". The action will take effect in a few minutes.

Authorising access to a cPanel account service

You can also authorise access to a cPanel account service by authorising an IP address. The services compatible with this feature are :

  • The Apache web service: you can authorise an IP address to access port 7080 or 7743 in order to override the CDN/caching network layer supplied with the Fastest Cache module. This allows you to use a third-party CDN.
  • MySQL database service: you can authorise an IP address to access your MySQL database; for example to use HeidiSQL or MySQL Workbench to manage your databases without using phpMyAdmin.

Tip: The IP addresses listed in the MySQL remote icon on cPanel are already authorised to access the MySQL service, there is no need to list them again.

Suppose you want to authorise your CDN server to access your non-SSL version of the site. To do this, click on the Add an incoming rule button and enter the IP address, protocol and port to be exposed:

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

Click Add to complete the action, which will take effect in a few minutes.

Check an IP address

You can check an IP address if it has been blocked by the cPanel server for various reasons: misuse of the wrong password, DDoS attacks, brute force attacks, incorrect configuration, etc. To do this, click on the "Check if an IP is blocked" button.

Enter the IP address and click Check.

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

A waiting page will be displayed while the software checks the data. This page will refresh one or more times:

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

Once the data has been retrieved, you will see the status of the IP address (blocked or not blocked) and the reason for the block:

How do I use the Firewall on cPanel to authorise or block IPs?

In this example, the IP address has been blocked because it was sent spam. Click on "Unblock" to make an unblocking request.

Unblocks are processed automatically in a few minutes and each cPanel account can perform up to 3 unblocks per week.

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