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Creating folders in your inbox will allow you to classify the emails you receive according to the criteria you choose.
All you have to do is create a folder in your inbox, then set up a filter that will automatically redirect the messages you receive to this folder.
The procedure differs slightly depending on the graphic theme used in Roundcube. This documentation explains the two procedures depending on the theme you are using.
1. Connect to the webmail of the e-mail account for which you want to create a new folder.
2. Go to the"Settings" section
3. Go to the"Folders" section and click on the"+" icon.
4. Enter the name of the folder to be created, its parent folder and click OK.
5. Your folder has now been created, and you can manually sort the emails you want into it, or create a filter that will automatically sort the emails.
If you want to delete a folder, go to "Settings", then "Folders".
1. Connect to the webmail of the email account for which you want to create a new folder.
2. Click on the"Settings" icon on the left-hand side of your screen.
Click on"Folders" and then on"Create" to create your new folder.
Fill in the fields as follows:
Finally, click on"Save" to save your new folder.
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You can now create folders on your email inboxes attached to your LWS hosting package. The folders will allow you to classify emails according to different criteria that you define.
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Bonjour merci pour votre question,
Pour déplacer un mail présent sur votre boite de réception Roundcube vers un dossier spécifique de votre choix, deux solutions s'offrent à vous.
Voici la première solution :
Voici la deuxième solution :
Si vous souhaitez déplacer automatiquement un courriel vers un dossier spécifique, voici la démarche à suivre via cette documentation : https://aide.lws.fr/a/1660
Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés sur cette manipulation. (https://aide.lws.fr/a/268)