How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?


What is the purpose of creating a folder in my inbox?

Creating folders in your inbox will allow you to classify the emails you receive according to the criteria you choose.

All you have to do is create a folder in your inbox, then set up a filter that will automatically redirect the messages you receive to this folder.

The procedure differs slightly depending on the graphic theme used in Roundcube. This documentation explains the two procedures depending on the theme you are using.

Procedure if you are using the Larry? theme

1. Connect to the webmail of the e-mail account for which you want to create a new folder.
2. Go to the"Settings" section

How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

3. Go to the"Folders" section and click on the"+" icon.

How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

4. Enter the name of the folder to be created, its parent folder and click OK.

How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

5. Your folder has now been created, and you can manually sort the emails you want into it, or create a filter that will automatically sort the emails.

If you want to delete a folder, go to "Settings", then "Folders".

Procedure if you use the Elastic? theme

1. Connect to the webmail of the email account for which you want to create a new folder.

2. Click on the"Settings" icon on the left-hand side of your screen.

How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

Click on"Folders" and then on"Create" to create your new folder.

How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

Fill in the fields as follows:

  • Foldername: This is the name you will give to your folder.
  • Parent folder: You can define that this must be a sub-folder of an existing folder.
  • Message retention rule: you can choose to keep your emails indefinitely or for a few weeks.

Finally, click on"Save" to save your new folder.

How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

Roundcube Video Tutorial: How do I create a new folder in Roundcube?

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You can now create folders on your email inboxes attached to your LWS hosting package. The folders will allow you to classify emails according to different criteria that you define.

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pierrenot Il y a 771 days
comment mettre mes mail dans un dossier roncube merci
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Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 767 days

Thank you for your question,

To move a mail in your Roundcube inbox to a specific folder of your choice, you have two options.

Here's the first solution:

  • Go to your inbox
  • Then click on the e-mail you wish to move
  • Then click on "More..." above the mail display.
  • Finally, in the drop-down menu, click on "Move to" and choose the folder you wish to move your e-mail to.

Here's the second solution:

  • Go to your inbox
  • Then click on the e-mail you wish to move
  • Then drag and drop your e-mail into the desired folder, displayed in the folder list on the left-hand side of webmail.

If you'd like to automatically move an e-mail to a specific folder, here's how to do it: https: //

We invite you to contact our support department via your customer area, so that we can help you if you encounter any difficulties with this procedure. (

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