Domain names - The expiration date indicated in the LWS Panel customer area is different from the one indicated in the whois tools, why?


Where can I find the expiry date of my Service in the LWS Panel Customer Area?

1. Go to the LWS Panel login page

2. Enter your Customer ID LWS-XXXXX and your password (these parameters were sent to you by e-mail when you registered).

If you have lost them, you can request them by e-mail from this page: https: //

Domain names - The expiration date indicated in the LWS Panel customer area is different from the one indicated in the whois tools, why?

The effective expiry date for each of your domain names and/or web hosting packages is shown in the"Expiry" column.

Domain names - The expiration date indicated in the LWS Panel customer area is different from the one indicated in the whois tools, why?

The expiry date shown in the Whois tools has not changed, even though I have renewed my domain name.

In some cases, the expiration date of a domain name may not change in the registry, even though it has been changed in the LWS Panel customer space.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Some extensions have a limited renewal period : We then renew the domain in our database and send the renewal request to the registry when their platform accepts it.
  • Some extensions have no expiry date: In these cases, we renew in our database and then submit the order to the registry, which simply renews the domain in its database for the next period.
  • Some extensions are not renewed in real time: In this case, we renew the domain in our database, but submit the renewal automatically before expiry on a predefined date.

In all cases, as long as the date has been updated in your LWS Panel customer area, there is no need to worry.

However, if you have paid for the renewal but the expiry date has not been updated in your LWS Panel customer account, please contact our sales department as soon as possible.

The expiration date indicated in the Whois tools differs from the one indicated in my LWS Panel customer account.

In order to compensate for any problem related to the payment method chosen by the Customer (e.g. lack of return from the bank) or related to the registry (e.g. technical malfunction), LWS reserves a "technical margin" that may bring forward the expiration date of the Service chosen by 12 to 72 hours (on average 48 hours). This period may vary depending on the extension of the domain name chosen.

For example, if a .COM domain name is created on 30/05/2016, its effective expiry date will not be 30/05/2017, but 28/05/2017.

The expiry date indicated in the customer area then takes precedence over the expiry date indicated in the Whois tools.

This effective expiry date is indicated in each renewal reminder e-mail that we send you automatically from 30 days before the expiry date.

If the renewal is not paid in full by the due date indicated in the LWS Panel customer area, LWS may suspend the Services and delete the domain name.

Depending on the domain name extension chosen, redemption fees may apply.

To find out more, see the article: Late renewal, domain name deletion deadlines and restoration fees.

When should I renew?

To avoid any suspension of your account or any costs for restoring your domain name, it is important not to wait until the expiry date to renew.

If you renew before the expiry date, you do not lose the days/months that separate you from the expiry date: the renewal starting point remains the expiry date, not the renewal date.

Example: My domain expires on 25/08/2016 and I renew it for one year on 08/03/2016 = it will therefore expire on 25/08/2017.

What is the expiry date of my account?

The correct expiry date for your domain name and web hosting is the one indicated in your customer area.

For reasons imposed by the various domain name registries (ICANN, Afnic, DNS.BE, etc.) or by the technical margin that we apply to avoid any loss of domains (see GTC), the expiry date of your domain name and/or web hosting does not necessarily correspond to the anniversary date of your domain name and/or web hosting.

Example: if I buy a .COM domain name on 20/05/2016 for 12 months, its expiry date will be 18/05/2017.

Renewal reminders - Non-tacit renewal

If you have not activated the tacit renewal of your domain name and/or shared web hosting, you will receive several reminders by e-mail and SMS, inviting you to renew your package from 30 days before expiry.

Domain names - The expiration date indicated in the LWS Panel customer area is different from the one indicated in the whois tools, why?

Renewal reminders - Tacit renewal

If you have activated automatic renewal on your domain name and/or shared web hosting and/or VPS, SVC, BCK, then you will receive several notices by E-mail & SMS to warn you of the scheduled renewal. The same will apply in the event that we are unable to carry out the direct debit.

Direct debits are made 5 days before the due date on your account.

If this is unsuccessful, we will attempt to debit each day until 2 days before the due date.

It is therefore essential to check your direct debit details and update them if necessary (registered bank card expired).

If 2 days before the due date, the direct debit has not been made, you will have to renew your formula manually from your LWS Panel customer area.

Domain names - The expiration date indicated in the LWS Panel customer area is different from the one indicated in the whois tools, why?

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