How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?


I. Checking the availability of 1-click restore

The LWS Panel offers a one-click restore feature to quickly restore lost data on your various web, MySQL and mail services.

To find out whether this feature is available in your package and what the limitations of the data backup and restore service are, please follow this documentation.

II. How do I access the LWS Panel restore service?

Step 1 : First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting for which you want to restore a backup of the web files.

Step 2: Click on the"Backups/Restores" button in the"Files" section.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Step 3: Click on the"Web Backups" tab to access all the backups available on your hosting package.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

III. How do I download a backup of web files?

The tab lists all the backups available immediately for downloading your website.

Depending on the service you've subscribed to, you'll be able to benefit from backups of the last 30 or 90 days.

Select the backup you wish to download , then click on the button to the right of the backup, which will allow you to choose different actions

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Then click on the"Download link" option to generate a link enabling you to download your backup.

The following window will open:

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Click on"Generate link" to launch the action.

Once this action has been completed, click on the history tab to check the progress of the link generation. The action may take several minutes depending on the volume of data involved.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

You can refresh the page to check regularly if the status changes. Once the link has been generated, you will see a button enabling you to download your backup.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

You can also find this backup in the root folder of your hosting and download it from an FTP client or the file manager.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Only backups smaller than 20GB can be restored using this method. If you have a backup that exceeds this limit, you will need to subscribe to a Business Support or Managed Services option to be able to download or restore it.

Files larger than 500 MB placed on your FTP space are regularly deleted automatically. Make sure you recover your backup if it exceeds this size before deleting it

IV. How do I restore a backup of web files?

The tab lists all the backups immediately available for restoring your website.

Depending on the service you subscribe to, you will be able to benefit from backups of the last 30 or 90 days.

Select the backup you wish to restore and then click on the button to the right of the backup, which will allow you to choose different actions

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

A. Restore all

This first option, if selected, restores all the web files on your hosting.

Before restoring, all the files on your hosting are deleted and then the data from the backup is restored to your hosting.

Once you have selected the option, a confirmation window will appear:

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Once the action has been confirmed, it will be impossible to stop the restore until it is complete.

B. Restore index.php

This option only restores your site's index file located at the root of your hosting. This is therefore only the home file linked to your main domain site.

Once you have selected the option, a confirmation window will appear:

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Once the action has been confirmed, it will be impossible to stop the restoration until it is complete.

C. Restore a file or directory

This option restores only the file or folder you specify.

Once the option has been selected, a confirmation window appears:

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Here are some examples of requests you can fill in:

  • text.html: this will restore the text.html file present at the root of the backup on your hosting.
  • /myfolder/text.html: this will restore the text.html file present in the "myfolder" folder of the backup on your hosting
  • /myfolder/: this will restore all the content present in the "myfolder" folder of the backup on your hosting
  • /myfolder/mysubfolder/: this will restore all the content present in the "myfolder" subfolder itself present in the "myfolder" folder of the backup on your hosting.

Once the action has been confirmed, it will be impossible to stop the restore until it is complete.

Restoring a specific folder restores the files present in the backup that are not present on your hosting and overwrites the files present on your hosting with those present in the backup. Restoring does not delete files that are present on your hosting but not in the backup. If you wish to have exactly the contents of the folder present in the backup, you must delete the contents of the folder before restoring the data from a backup

D. Restore a multi-domain

This option restores all items linked to an additional domain added to your hosting or a sub-domain.

Once the option has been selected, a confirmation window will appear:

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Select the desired domain or sub-domain.

Once the action has been confirmed, it will be impossible to stop the restoration until it has been completed.

The multi-domain or sub-domain restore restores files present in the backup that are not present on your hosting and overwrites files present on your hosting with those present in the backup. Restoring does not delete files that are present on your hosting but not in the backup. If you wish to have exactly the contents of the multi-domain or sub-domain present in the backup, you must delete the contents of the folder before restoring the data from a backup

E. Viewing restoration progress

Click on the history tab to view the restoration progress. This may take several minutes depending on the volume of data involved.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

You can refresh the page to check regularly if the status changes. Once the restoration has been completed, you will see it in the status.

How do you back up or restore your web hosting files?

Then visit your restored site in your web browser as usual. Empty the cache or refresh the page if it is not yet displayed.

Web files are only one component of your site, if you really want to restore a website to the exact state it was in on the desired date, also remember to restore the database used by your website by selecting a backup on the same date.

V. What to do if the backup I want is not listed

If the backup you want to restore is not listed, it is probably because your service level does not allow it. In this case, you need to subscribe to a Business support option to benefit from the possibility of restoring backups for up to 90 days instead of 30 days, or subscribe to "Backup Search" outsourcing for €49 excluding VAT so that a technician can carry out the operation for you.

After 90 days, LWS deletes the backups, so it will not be possible to restore a backup beyond this limit

VI. Restore error

If, after performing a restore, an error is displayed, please contact our technical support department directly so that a technician can analyse the problem and take action for you if possible.


You now know how to :

  • Check the availability of 1-click restore for your web services
  • Access and use the LWS Panel restore service
  • Download a backup of your web files
  • Restore your data in different ways
  • Take action if the backup you want is not listed
  • Find a solution in the event of a restore error

🌟 Well done! You're ready to maintain the continuity of your online services with complete peace of mind. 🛡️

Don't hesitate to share your experiences or ask any questions by leaving a comment below. We value your feedback! 💬

Thank you for reading and see you soon for new digital adventures! 🚀

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Aycase Il y a 734 days
J'ai une formule hébergement actuellement mais mes données web sont sauvegardés sur un autre de mes hébergements. Je compte changer de formule et passer en mode domaine. J'aimerais savoir si je vais retrouvé mes 2 boites e-mails et mes emails après çà ?
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 731 days
Bonjour, avant de changer de formule pour une formule Domaine, je vous invite à effectuer une sauvegarde de vos boites e-mails en suivant la procédure suivante: . Cela vous permettra de restaurer les e-mails, une fois le changement de formule effectué.
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pierre93 Il y a 721 days
Bonjour ????. Comment pourrais-je télécharger un site de 300 megas ?
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 718 days
Bonjour, si vous désirez effectuer une sauvegarde de votre site, je vous invite à installer le plugin Duplicator pour cela. Vous pouvez vous aider de la procédure suivante : Vous pouvez aussi le faire en utilisant un logiciel FTP tel que FileZilla. Pour cela, vous pouvez vous aider de la procédure suivante:
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