How do I access Roundcube Webmail from my LWS mail service?



Welcome to this step-by-step guide to accessing Roundcube webmail from your LWS mail service. This resource will give you easy access to your LWS mail service. You will be able to view, send and manage your emails with ease.

I. How do I access Webmail using a URL?

To access Roundcube webmail, simply open your web browser and enter the URL "mail.domaine.ext" in the address bar (replace "domaine.ext" with the domain name of your email address).

How do I access Roundcube Webmail from my LWS mail service?

This is the fastest way to access Roundcube webmail. However, you will need to know the URL to access it, i.e. "mail.domaine.ext", replacing domaine.ext with the actual domain name

II. How do I access Webmail from the LWS Panel?

Step 1: You must first log in to your LWS customer area to access the management of your hosting or your Pro mail service.

Step 2: Once in your hosting management, find the "Email addresses" section. Then click on "Webmail".

How do I access Roundcube Webmail from my LWS mail service?

III. How do I connect to webmail?

Once on the login page, enter your login details (full email address and password) then click on the"login" button to access webmail and your inbox.

New version of Roundcube 1.4 (recommended) Old version of Roundcube 1.3 (obsolete)
How do I access Roundcube Webmail from my LWS mail service? How do I access Roundcube Webmail from my LWS mail service?

IV. Connection problems

If you have problems connecting to your email address, check the following points:

  • Make sure you are connecting from the correct connection URL belonging to your domain name.
  • Check that the email address has been created on your mail service. If not, create it using this documentation.
  • Check that your password is valid. If in doubt, change it by following this documentation.


You now have all the information you need to access and use Roundcube webmail on your LWS mail service. Take full advantage of this user-friendly platform to manage your business emails efficiently. If you need any further help, don't hesitate to contact our dedicated support team. Enjoy using your LWS email service!

[tips_related_readings]How do I use Roundcube webmail?

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Actuellement, nous ne possédons pas d'application dédiée au webmail pour vos adresses mails.

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