How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?


How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Connect to your SiteBuilder interface

2. Click on the"Advanced" tool at the top of the page to access all the advanced options available.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Click on"Table" to select this option

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

How do I add or remove a row or column from the table?

1. Select the table by clicking on it. Then click on the stylus at the top right of the table.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

2. To insert a row or column, click on"insert" and choose thelocation you want for your row or column.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

3. To delete the row or column, select"Delete" and choose the desired option.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

How do you configure your Table in SiteBuilder Pro?

In the right-hand column of SiteBuilder Pro, you can configure the table as follows:

  • General: You can define the height of each cell in your table.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Background: Allows you to change the background colour of your table.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Border: This option lets you change the style and colour of the border.

How do I add a Table to SiteBuilder Pro?


You are now ready to create and configure your Table in your SiteBuilder Pro formula.

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LWS-551182 Il y a 833 days
avez vous un calendrier icad (synchronisation avec airbnb ) pour l insérer sur mon site ? je suis sur SiteBuilder merci
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 829 days
Bonjour, je suis navré mais SiteBuilder Pro ne dispose pas de cette fonctionnalité actuellement.
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