How do I change the writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro?



SiteBuilder Pro allows you to modify font styles. The choice of font should be carefully considered because it contributes to the overall understanding of your website. Every visual is important because it conveys a message that you want to get across, so it's important to choose your font carefully. Here is a brief explanation of the most popular fonts:

  • Serif: Used mainly for logos, text and titles.
  • Sans Serif: These are Helvetica, Verdana and Arial. These fonts are widely used on websites.
  • Slab Serif. This font is often used for logos and titles.

How do I change the default writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro?

You can change the default font styles in SiteBuilder Pro. This allows you to change the size and font of your page headings, sub-headings and paragraphs.

To change the default writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro, log in to your website administration.

1. Click on the"Settings" tab on the SiteBuilder Pro toolbar and then on"Styles".

How do I change the writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Under the"Standard" tab, you can change the font, size and alignment of each title, subtitle and paragraph on your site.

How do I change the writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro?

3. The"Links" tab allows you to define the colour of the hyperlinks inserted on your website. It is possible to define a change of colour when the link is hovered over.

How do I change the writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro?

4. The"Advanced" tab allows you to define different margins depending on the devices used for browsing your website.The style can beoptimised for each type of screen.

How do I change the writing styles in SiteBuilder Pro?


You are now able to choose and modify the writing style on your site created with SiteBuilder Pro. Choose the font you want to insert with care, as it will give an idea of the content of your website and contribute to its design.

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