How do I manage and configure my mail service from the LWS Panel?



Welcome to this comprehensive guide to managing and configuring your email service from the LWS Panel. This documentation will help you master all the essential features needed to manage your email addresses efficiently. Before diving into the details, make sure you have an active customer account with LWS.

This guide is designed to be accessible and practical, avoiding unnecessary technical jargon. We'll take you step by step through each stage, enabling you to create, configure and optimise your email addresses according to your specific needs. With clear explanations and practical tips, you'll be able to get the most out of your LWS email service.

I. Email Address Management

A. Creating or Deleting Emails

Creating a new email address is a quick and easy process from the LWS Panel.

To create a new email address, please follow this documentation.

If your domain is currently being transferred, please follow this documentation.

If you wish to delete an existing email address, please follow this documentation.

Please note that deleting an email address will result in the permanent loss of all emails associated with that address, so be sure to back up important data beforehand. Thanks to this simple and intuitive feature, you can easily manage your list of email addresses according to your professional and personal needs.

B. Changing the Password of an Email Address

The security of your email addresses is paramount. To change the password of an existing email address, follow the simple steps in this documentation.

Make sure it is strong enough by using combinations of letters, numbers and special characters. For security reasons, avoid using passwords that are easy to guess, such as dates of birth or common names.

Once you have entered your new password, save the changes. The email address will now use the new password to secure access to your inbox and confidential data. Remember to update your passwords regularly to ensure optimum protection of your information.

C. Configuring Send and Receive Restrictions (POP, IMAP, SMTP)

For personalised management of the sending and receiving of your emails, the LWS Panel lets you configure restrictions on the POP, IMAP and SMTP protocols. These restrictions allow you to control access to your mailboxes and strengthen the security of your communications.

To configure these restrictions, follow this documentation.

By carefully choosing the restrictions for each protocol, you can tailor the use of your email addresses to your business needs and security concerns. Don't hesitate to adjust these settings if your usage requirements change.

II. Advanced Features

A. Setting up a Redirection

Email forwarding allows you to automatically direct incoming messages to another email address of your choice. This can be useful when you want to centralise your emails or when you have several addresses associated with the same recipient.

To set up a redirection from the LWS Panel, follow this documentation.

From now on, all new emails received at the original address will be automatically forwarded to the specified destination address. You can add, modify or delete redirects at any time to suit your needs.

The redirection function is a powerful tool for organising and managing your email communications effectively. Don't hesitate to use it judiciously to optimise the management of your messages.

B. Setting up an alias

The email alias is a feature that allows you to create an additional email address that automatically redirects messages to your main inbox. This gives you greater flexibility in managing your communications while maintaining a single point of access.

To create an alias from the LWS Panel, follow this documentation.

Once the alias has been created, all emails sent to this address will be automatically redirected to your main email address. You can use aliases to differentiate between business and personal communications or to create specific addresses for different departments.

Adding or deleting aliases is simple and you can manage them as your needs change. Take advantage of this feature to organise your communications efficiently while simplifying email management.

C. Setting up a Catch All

Catch All" is a practical feature that allows you to manage all emails sent to non-existent addresses in your domain. When an email is sent to an address that doesn't exist, Catch All recovers it and automatically redirects it to an email address specified by you.

To configure Catch All from the LWS Panel, follow this documentation.

Catch All is particularly useful for preventing the loss of important emails sent to misspelled or incorrectly configured addresses. It ensures that all messages, even those sent to incorrect addresses, are centralised and accessible from your main address.

Make sure you choose an appropriate address for "Catch All" so you don't miss out on important communications. Take advantage of this feature to simplify your email management and improve the experience of communicating with your contacts.

D. Create a Mailing List

Mailing lists are powerful tools for facilitating communication with a specific group of contacts. By creating a list, you can send emails to all the members of that list at once, simplifying the sending of important communications to a targeted audience.

To create a mailing list from the LWS Panel, follow this documentation.

Mailing lists are ideal for newsletters, event announcements or any regular communication with specific groups. Take advantage of this feature to streamline your communications and stay in touch with your important contacts.

E. Modify Disk Quotas Allocated per Email Address

Disk quotas define the storage space allocated to each email address. Changing these quotas allows you to effectively manage disk space usage for each account.

To adjust quotas from the LWS Panel, follow this documentation.

In the configuration window, adjust the quota according to your needs. Bear in mind that quotas that are too low can lead to emails being rejected when space is saturated, while excessive quotas can lead to resources being wasted.

By adapting quotas according to the intended use of each email address, you can optimise disk space and ensure that your inboxes run smoothly. Manage your quotas intelligently for a smooth email management experience.

III. Unsuspending an Email Box

A. Unsuspending an Inactive Mailbox

If your mailbox has been suspended due to prolonged inactivity, you can easily reactivate it by following this documentation.

Once the suspension is lifted, you will be able to access your email again and resume normal use of your LWS mailbox.

B. Lifting the Suspension of a Mailbox Deactivated for Sending Spam

If your mailbox has been suspended due to suspicious spam activity, it is essential that you resolve the issue before requesting to have the suspension lifted. Follow this documentation to rectify the situation and reactivate your mailbox from the LWS Panel.

Remain vigilant in terms of security to avoid any recurrence and take full advantage of your LWS email services once again.

IV. Tracking and Logs

A. Email Send/Receive Tracking

Tracking the sending and receiving of emails allows you to keep a close eye on the activities of your email addresses. Using this LWS Panel feature, you can track message flows for security, management or auditing purposes.

To access email tracking, follow this documentation.

This feature is particularly useful for spotting suspicious behaviour or for checking that essential emails are being sent and received. Make sure you use this resource appropriately and respect the confidentiality of user data.

Keep full control over the activities of your email addresses with the email send/receive tracking feature, to maintain the security and transparency of your communications.

B. Logs of Actions Performed on Email Address Configuration

Logs of actions carried out on the configuration of email addresses are an essential feature for keeping a detailed record of changes made to your email accounts. Thanks to these logs, you can monitor modifications, additions or deletions to email addresses, and thus control access to and use of your accounts.

To access the action logs, follow this documentation.

These logs are particularly useful for identifying those responsible for unauthorised modifications or security problems. You can then take the appropriate measures to protect your accounts and prevent any unwanted access.

Thanks to the action logs, you have complete traceability of operations on your email addresses, giving you greater control over the security and confidentiality of your data.

C. Email address connection logs

Email address connection logs are a valuable tool for monitoring and controlling access to your accounts. These logs provide detailed information on successful and unsuccessful connections, enabling you to detect any suspicious or unauthorised activity.

To access the connection logs, follow this documentation.

This will allow you to view details of connections, including user IP addresses, connection times and any unsuccessful connection attempts.

By regularly monitoring these logs, you will be able to quickly identify any suspicious activity and take preventive measures to strengthen the security of your email accounts.

Thanks to the connection logs of email addresses, you can effectively protect your sensitive data and preserve the confidentiality of your communications. Be proactive in managing the security of your email accounts by taking advantage of this essential feature.

V. Other Roundcube Webmail features

Roundcube webmail offers advanced features such as filter management, signature management and interface customisation. Explore these features to optimise your experience by following these documentations.

VI. Conclusion

Congratulations! You now have everything you need to efficiently manage and configure your mail service using the LWS Panel. Feel free to explore the advanced features and follow our advice to get the most out of your email addresses. If you need help, our support team is available to guide you through the process. Take full advantage of our services for an optimal and secure email experience with LWS.



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Questions sur l'article
cheikh Il y a 725 days
bonjour, dans la rubrique "redirection email" je ne trouve pas la case à cocher "garder une copie sur le serveur". comment je peut l'afficher? Salut
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 723 days
Bonjour, je vous invite, si vous désirez garder une copie sur le serveur, à passer par le Webmail pour effectuer la redirection. Pour cela, vous pouvez vous aider de la procédure suivante: . Je vous invite, sur le filtre, à sélectionner "envoyer une copie vers" afin de garder une copie de l'email sur le serveur.
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