How can I get additional access to the LWS Panel?



You would like to share access to your hosting with someone who will be responsible for the development or referencing of your Internet site, but you don't know how to go about it.

The purpose of this documentation is to explain what is possible in terms of access to your LWS Panel space.

How can I get additional access to my LWS Panel?

The LWS Panel is not multi-user, i.e. it is not possible to create a second account on the customer area in order to provide access to another person.

If you share your login details with a third party, that person will have access to the management of all the accommodation associated with it, as well as to the associated billing.

However, there are some solutions, which we'll look at below.

If you want to share hosting management

If you want to retain technical management, i.e. still have control over your hosting settings while sharing it with another person, you need to change to a multi-user Panel such as cPanel.

The packages concerned by a multi-user Panel are :

  • cPanel packages (shared Linux packages)
  • Plesk packages (shared Windows packages)
  • ISP Config packages (VPS Server)

The advantage of changing formulas to a multi-user panel is that you can have separate access to your LWS account and the hosting management panel

If you wish to delegate hosting management entirely

You can change the technical contact for your hosting package from the LWS Panel. However, if you delegate technical management to another LWS login, you will no longer be able to manage it from your account. You will still own the domain if LWS is the registrar.

When you transfer technical management, you also transfer billing

How do I change formulas in your customer area?

To change formulas to cPanel, for example: Log on to your customer area, click on "manage" behind the domain name concerned.

Click here to be redirected to the relevant documentation.


You are now able to change formulas to access a multi-user Panel and understand why you cannot create a second account on the LWS Panel.

[tips_related_readings]What is a VPS (Virtual Private Server)?

How can Ieasily connect to the cPanel control panel?

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Bonjour je souhaite ajouter un autre gestionnaire (sous compte utilisateur) à mon cpanel sans lui remettre tout les accès que faire ?
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Afin de créer des sous-comptes sur votre cPanel, je vous invite à vous rediriger sur cette documentation "" apportant les réponses à votre question.

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