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To make your password as secure as possible, it must be at least 10 characters long. The 10 characters of your password must include numbers and letters as well as one or more special characters such as "@/$#". It is not advisable to include your surname, first name or date of birth in your password. Do not include any personal details that could easily be found by malicious people (your children's names, for example).
It is advisable to change your password every three to six months and not to use the same password for different accesses. It is not advisable to store your different passwords on a cloud or on the notepad of your smartphone, which can easily be consulted by other people.
Many websites have password generators for this purpose.
When you create an email address with LWS, you can generate a strong password.
The generated password will be composed of 10 characters and at least :
You can use your own password as long as it has the same structure as described above. If you omit a special character, an upper case letter, a lower case letter and at least one number, it will not work.
1. To generate your password, go to your web space management interface and click on"Email Administration".
2. When creating your email address, click on the"Generate" button (1) to generate a strong password and then on "Validate" (2) to save it.
Don't forget to copy the password to a safe place so that you can remember it.
1. If your email address already exists and you want to automatically generate a new password, log in to the administration interface of your web space and click on the"Email Administration" button.
2. Click on the"Action" button (1) and then on "Change password" (2) next to the email address you have already created.
3. Click on the"Generate" button (1) and then on "Confirm " (2) to save your password.
You can now create a secure password for your shared hosting with LWS. We advise you to change your password every 3 to 6 months to avoid any possibility of your data being hacked.
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