How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device



In this documentation, we'll guide you through the process of syncing your Nextcloud calendar to your Calendar, whether you're using an iPhone, Android device or Mac.

The next three sections will cover the platform-specific steps in detail, allowing you to take full advantage of syncing Nextcloud Calendar to your Calendar. Whether you want to have instant access to your events wherever you go, collaborate effectively with your team or simply simplify your calendar management, this documentation will show you how to make it happen.

Synchronising with iOS

In this section, we'll show you how to sync Nextcloud Calendar with your iOS devices (iPhone and iPad), giving you easy access to your events and appointments wherever you are.

Step 1: Go to the Settings application on your iPhone or iPad :

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 2: Scroll down the main menu until you find the "Calendar" application :

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 3: Then click on "Accounts" :

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 4: Then click on "Add an account":

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 5: Here, click on "Other":

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 6: Click on "Add a CalDAV account":

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 7: Here, fill in the fields with your information:

  1. Server: This is the URL of your cloud server (for example,
  2. Username: Your username for your cloud account.
  3. Password: The password associated with your cloud username.
  4. Description: You can add a description of your choice to identify this account; this is optional.

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 8: After logging in, you can choose which application you want Nextcloud Calendar to be synchronised with.

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

You've successfully synced Nextcloud Calendar with your iOS device, whether it's an iPhone or iPad. Now you can easily access your Nextcloud Calendars, stay organised and never miss an essential appointment, all from your Apple devices.

Synchronising with Android

In this section, we'll guide you through the process of syncing your Nextcloud Calendar with an Android device. Whether you use an Android smartphone or tablet, this process will give you quick access to your events and appointments from your Android devices.

Step 1: First you need to install the DavX5 application on the Google Play Store :

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 2: Once the application has been installed and launched, continue by clicking on the arrow at the bottom right, then the tick :

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 3: Then press the "+" at the bottom right of the screen:

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 4: Here select "Login with URL and username", and enter your details, then click "Login":

  1. Base URL: This is the URL of your cloud server (for example,
  2. Username: Your username for your cloud account.
  3. Password: The password associated with your cloud username.

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 5: Here, choose an account name and click on "Create an account":

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 6: Once you are connected, go to "Calendars" (1) and then choose the calendars (2 ) you wish to add to your calendar:

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

You have successfully synchronised Nextcloud Calendar with your Android device, whether it's a smartphone or a tablet. You now have convenient access to your Nextcloud calendars from your Android devices, allowing you to stay organised and keep track of all your appointments with ease.

Synchronisation with macOS

In this final section, we'll show you how to sync Nextcloud Calendar with your macOS-compatible devices, giving you easy access to your events and appointments wherever you are.

Step 1: Open System Preferences on your macOS computer and click Internet Accounts :

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 2: Next, click on "Add another account...":

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 3: Then click on "CalDAV Account":

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 4 :

Step 4: Here, in "Account Type" select "Manual", and enter your information, then click "Connect ":

  1. Server address: This is the URL of your cloud server (for example,
  2. Username: This is the username for your cloud account.
  3. Password: The password associated with your cloud username.

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

Step 5: After logging in, you can choose which application you want Nextcloud Calendar to sync with.

How to synchronise the Nextcloud calendar on your device

You have successfully synchronised Nextcloud Calendar with your macOS-compatible devices, whether a smartphone or a tablet. You now have convenient access to your Nextcloud Calendars from your macOS devices, allowing you to stay organised and keep track of all your appointments with ease.

[tips_warning]macOS does not support CalDAV/CardDAV synchronisation with unencrypted connections http://. Make sure you have set the connection to " https:// " on your device[/tips].


You now know how to :

  • Set up the synchronisation of your Nextcloud Calendar on iOS, for instant access from your iPhone or iPad 📱.
  • Set up synchronisation of your Nextcloud Calendar on Android, to stay up to date with your calendars on your Android smartphones or tablets 🤖.
  • Integrate your Nextcloud calendar with your macOS environment. 💻

With these step-by-step instructions, syncing your Nextcloud calendar should be a breeze, giving you the ability to stay organised and in sync, no matter what platform you're using.

If you don't have an online storage plan yet, or would like to upgrade to a cloud storage plan with advanced features, check out this documentation to place your order, and find information about Nextcloud and Nextcloud Pro plans here.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment to tell us about your experience or if you have any further questions 👇.

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