Which mail servers should I use to configure my email address?


I. Introduction

When configuring your e-mail address in an e-mail program such as Outlook, Thunderbird etc., you may be faced with a choice between two mail servers: 'mail.your-domain.ext' or 'mailXX.lwspanel.com'.

Although each server has its own advantages, it is important to note that the 'mail.your-domain.ext' server , although it allows customisation based on your own domain, could be incompatible with certain email software due to limitations linked to SNI (Server Name Indication).

What's more, some email programs have an auto-configuration feature for your email addresses. The auto-configuration feature in email clients is designed to facilitate the configuration process. However, as with any automated tool, there may be exceptions and particularities to be aware of.

II. What is SNI?

SNI (Server Name Indication) is a technology that enables a mail server to manage several SSL certificates from different domains.

Using the format 'mail.your-domain.ext' is preferable for several reasons.

Firstly, when a domain is migrated, it is common for other hosting providers to also use this format, making the transition smoother.

What's more, if you decide to upgrade or change your mail server, by using 'mail.your-domain.ext' you won't need to reconfigure your mail client.

On the other hand, using a specific format such as 'mailXX.lwspanel.com', an upgrade or change to the mail server may result in the need to reconfigure the mail client. This is due to the fact that the 'mailXX.lwspanel.com' address can vary according to the formulas.

In addition, SNI support is not universal. Most email software prior to 2016 does not recognise this technology.

If you are using older software, you may encounter connection or certificate validation problems when accessing a mail server that uses SNI.

III. What is auto-configuration?

Auto-configuration is a mechanism that simplifies the task of configuring e-mail addresses on different e-mail clients. Rather than manually entering details such as incoming server, outgoing server, ports and other technical parameters, auto-configuration allows the e-mail software to find this information automatically.

However, there are times when auto-configuration does not work as expected. Some email clients may not be compatible with this feature. In these cases, the email client may not correctly detect the appropriate mail servers for the domain. This incompatibility may lead to connection or authentication errors. Manual intervention may then be required to configure the e-mail address correctly.

IV. E-mail software compatibility

The compatibility of email clients with auto-configuration and SNI varies. Here is a table summarising the compatibility of email software with these technologies:

E-mail software Version Type OS SSL Domain Auto-Configuration
Evolution 3.38.3 PC Linux Functional Functional
Thunderbird 78.12 PC Linux Functional Functional
Thunderbird 78.12 PC Windows Functional Functional
Thunderbird 78.12 PC OSX Functional Functional
Gmail --- Web --- Functional Not functional
Gmail 2022.10.02 Mobile Android Functional Not functional
Outlook 4.2240.4 Mobile Android Functional Not working
K9 mail 6.202 Mobile Android Functional Functional
Nextcloud 25.0 Web --- Functional Functional
Spark PC OSX Working Working
Spark Mobile Android Functional Working
Spark PC Windows Functional Functional
Apple Mail --- PC OSX Functional Not functional
eM Client --- PC Windows Functional Functional
eM Client --- PC OSX Functional Functional
Outlook 365 PC Windows Functional Not functional
Mail Windows 10 PC Windows Functional Not functional
Mail Windows 11 PC Windows Functional Not working

[tips_info]In any case, if you encounter a problem using 'mail.your-domain.ext' set the server to 'mailXX.lwspanel.com'[/tips].

V. Conclusion

Configuring a mail client can seem complex, particularly because of technical specifications such as SNI and auto-configuration. But from now on, you'll be able to configure your email addresses without any problems by taking account of its specific features.

Don't forget, LWS customer service is always at your disposal if you encounter any problems or have any further questions. Happy emailing!

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