How to connect to a remote database in cPanel


How to connect to a remote database in cPanel

If you want to authorise applications hosted elsewhere or on your local PC to access your databases, you can use the cPanel MySQL remote tool to make the task easier.

How to connect to a remote database in cPanel

To authorise an IP address or domain to connect to your database, log in to your cPanel :

How to connect to a remote database in cPanel

Then click on the Remote MySQL icon

The following form will be displayed:

How to connect to a remote database in cPanel

In the Host text box you can specify remote hosts that can access your cPanel's MySQL databases.

  • You can enter a full domain name (FQDN) for example:, an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.
  • You can use the percent sign ( %) as a wildcard. For example, to authorise access from all IP addresses starting with 192.68.0, enter 192.68.0.%.

In the How text box, you can enter a description to identify the IP address. This step is optional and limited to 255 characters.

Then click on the Add Host button to record the changes.


The MySQL Distant tool allows you to connect freely to your MySQL database, which will allow you to use several scripts with your database, and thus increase the productivity of your website.

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