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The"MySQL Database Wizard" tool guides you through the configuration of a MySQL database, user accounts and the addition of privileges for each of them. It may be advisable to use this wizard when creating your first database and your first user.
You must have a cPanel or Cloud cPanel package.
1. Log in to your LWS customer area.
2. Access your cPanel interface.
3. Click on the"MySQL Database Wizard" button to access the MySQL Database Wizard.
4. In the"New database" text box, enter the name of the database and click on the"Next step" button. Note that the system limits the number of characters to 53. You can name the database using any type of character except: / " ' `
5. In the"User name" text box, enter a user name for your database. The user name can only contain alphanumeric characters.
Then click on the "Create a user" button to move on to the next step.
6. Choose the privileges to be granted to the database user. The privileges are as follows:
, which allows you to modify the structure of the table itself (number of rows/columns, type of columns).You can grant all privileges to the database user by ticking the"All privileges" box. Then click on"Next steps".
You can now use the database creation wizard to create the database, the basic user and give the user certain privileges.
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