How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin



Importing a database onto cPanel hosting is an important operation for transferring your website. This operation can be carried out quickly and easily using PHP My Admin, a web application that allows you to interact with MySQL databases.

In this documentation, we explain how to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin. We present the steps required to prepare your database, connect to PHP My Admin and import your database.

Preparing the database to be imported

Before you start importing your database onto your cPanel hosting, you need to prepare your database. Whether your site or application is created locally or hosted by another host, you will first need to export this database. To do this, we suggest you use the database management tool you used to create and manage it. Your database must be exported in SQL format.

If the size of your database export reaches 250MB, it will be too large to work with the method we will look at below. I therefore suggest that you follow this documentation to export your database: How to import a large database on cPanel LWS hosting

Creating the database on cPanel

It is important to note that creating a new database on cPanel is a necessary preliminary step before importing an existing database. Make sure you create the corresponding database before importing the data. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your LWS customer area

To access your customer area, simply follow this link and enter your login details: https: //

2. Access the management of your cPanel service

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

3. Click on the Access to cPanel button in the "Hosting Management" section.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

4. Go to the "Database" section and click on "MySQL databases".

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

5. Create a database by naming it and then clicking on "Create a database".

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

6. Add a MySQL user further down the page.

Enter the desired name. Generate a password and make a note of it. Then click on the "Create a user" button.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

7. Now add the MySQL user to the database you created earlier.

To do this, go to the bottom of the page, then select the database and the user created and click on the "Add" button.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

On the next page, tick the "ALL PRIVILEGES" box and click on the "Make changes" button.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

Your database is now created and ready to receive data imports. Remember to keep all your details (database name, user name and password), as we will need them later.

Importing your data into the cPanel database

Now that we've created our database, let's see how to import our data. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Connect to phpMyAdmin

In the "databases" section of your cPanel control panel, click on phpMyAdmin.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

2. Display the import page for the database created earlier.

Click on the name of the database you created in the previous section and then click on Import in the links at the top of the page.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

3. Import your data via your export file

Click on the "Choose a file" button and browse for your export file, then click on the Run button.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

4. Finalise data import

Wait a few seconds for the import to complete. Your database is now on your cPanel service.

How to import a database on cPanel LWS hosting via PHP My Admin

Your database has been successfully imported onto your cPanel hosting. Don't forget to update your configuration file containing the connection information by indicating :

  • Host: Localhost
  • Base: The name of the database you created on cPanel
  • Username: The username you created and linked to on cPanel
  • Password: The password you generated for the username.

Can LWS do this for you?

Yes, LWS can perform this task for you, but only through a paid facilities management service. In fact, LWS can provide management and maintenance services for your infrastructure for an additional fee. If you are interested in this service, we can provide you with more information on the different options available and the associated costs.

You can set up a managed service with LWS from €9.99 from the LWS Panel control panel in the Support section. I invite you to follow this documentation to help you set up your outsourcing.

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